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United Defensive Driving Program

3121 East Tremont Avenue
Bronx, NY 10461

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This is the "6-Hour Defensive Driving Course" ONLY. Our class reduces 10% off liability insurance for 3 years AND reduces 4-points off driver's license. Certified instructor is highly knowledgable about accident prevention & road safety. Facility located near public transportation. Free parking on Sunday for the 10am-4pm class. We also offer two (2) split-sessions on Mon & Wed early evenings. (You must be present for both sessions to receive certificate). $55 per person. Reserve your seat by registering on our website listed in the "Key Features" to the right. Hurry, Classes Fill Up Very Quickly! *Sorry, We Don't Have 5-Hour Classes. This isn't Driver's Ed, No Road Test Appointments Here, No CDL Classes"