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Dr. Raphael Rettner, DC

741 Addison St
Berkeley, CA 94710

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If you are looking for comfortable, effective back pain relief, you have come to the right place! Are you suffering from back pain, neck pain, wrist pain, tennis elbow, shoulder pain, or knee pain? We can help!

We put our patients first. We listen to you and help you heal. Our unique holistic approach is more proactive than traditional care. Come visit to see what we are all about.

We specialize in the most advanced and proven techniques, including:

* Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) - adjustments that correct posture
* Fascial Alignment Stretch Technique (Fast) - Deep Tissue Massage for posture
* Chakra Armor Release of Emotion (Care)
* ArthroStim® Instrument Adjusting
* Allergy Correction Technique
* Bio Cranial System
* Activator Technique

People of all ages benefit from chiropractic care. Working with families produces great results. Nerve interference in children often causes serious conditons such as asthma, allergies, hyperactivity and scoliosis. When all the life channels are open, children tend to have better grades, relate to others better, and have less time off from school for illness. Special family discounts and convenient scheduling are available.

* Allergies
* Migraines
* Asthma
* Neck Pain
* Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
* Pain Between the Shoulders
* Chronic Health Problems
* Psychosomatic Symptoms
* Headaches
* Sciatica
* Hip Pain
* Shoulder Pain
* Insomnia
* Sinus Pain
* Knee Pain
* Sports Injuries
* Leg Pain
* Near-sightedness
* Low back Pain
* Weight Gain & Loss

Dr. Rettner is also an experienced nutritionist. He has a keen understanding of the endocrine system and its key role in metabolism and weight loss. By examining where fat is deposited in the body, he can determine which endocrine glands are out of balance, and which diet and supplements are needed to correct it so metabolic balance can be restored.

In order for a holistic approach to be effective, the underlying emotional and body image issues must be treated. Unless these are addressed, it is difficult to lose the weight and to keep it off.

When the spine is out of alignment, the nervous system and the emotions are unstable, resulting in low energy and may cause you to over eat. During the initial exam, Dr. Rettner will find which areas of your spine are unstable and offer chiropractic adjustments to restore alignment, thus helping to increase overall energy and reduce your appetite.