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Steingold & Dwyer Law Group

400 Monroe St., Suite 280
Detroit, MI 48226

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Posted: 7/17/2017 1:54:09 PM
By: levittow
Las Vegas, NV
Criminal convictions can scar you with a permanent criminal record, can cost you a great deal of time and money, can ruin your reputation, and can even send you to jail. If you or a loved one is facing any felony or misdemeanor charges in Michigan, contact the criminal defense attorneys at The Steingold & Dwyer Law Group for a comprehensive consultation. Our attorneys have successfully defended clients facing a range of charges, including drug distribution conspiracies, white-collar crimes, as well as serious assaultive offenses. After a meeting with Steingold & Dwyer, you will feel for the first time that you are being heard. When the meeting concludes, you will have peace of mind. Steingold & Dwyer are a passionate and zealous team. Working with one or both, you will have hired the best.