Doctors Immediate Care
18W511 Roosevelt Rd
Lombard, IL 60148
Lombard, IL 60148
Business Categories
When you have a need for urgent care Doctors Immediate Care has a location near you. We are an accessible, economical medical walk-in clinic serving nearby communities like Lombard, Villa Park, Oak brook, Elmhurt, Downers Grove, Northlake, Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Ohare International Airport, Naperville & Chicago. Youll find us the perfect fit for minor accidents and illnesses related to auto injury, work injuries, ear, nose & throat. We serve families and individuals of all ages and have pediatricians on call to assist in emergency needs also for those who cannot reach their primary care doctor, are visiting from out of town or are new to the area and currently do not have a doctor. We offer std testing, hiv testing, drug testing, alcohol testing & screening, and pre employment physical exams and other employment services. No appointment is necessary for employees. Doctors Immediate Care has a location nearby and are a quick drive from you.