Bellaire ER
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Bellaire ER is an emergency clinic. It serves emergency services 24/7 over 365 Days. In that patient get urgent care of the critical condition. Bellaire ER licensed by the State of Texas and our physicians have an average of 15 years of emergency department experience. There is no waiting time in the emergency room for (chest pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting etc). Bellaire ER clinic lab fully equipped with all new modern technology in that on-site laboratory, ultrasound, X-ray, CT scanner, EKG and cardiac monitoring equipment and more. Bellaire ER Critical emergency services available at around 10-15 miles of Bellaire, Westbury, West University Place, Southside Place, the Galleria, and other areas of metro Houston, Tx. Bellaire Emergency Room provides a superior emergency care service. Clinic rooms are licensed by the State of Texas. Here a patient can get urgent care to relief from pain, chest pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting problems at Bellaire Blvd.