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Oil Paintings Gallery

4182 Hearthstone Drive, Sarasota, FL
Sarasota, FL 34238
Posted: 1/23/2021 8:04:51 AM
By: oilpaintingsaus
Sarasota, FL
Oil Paintings Gallery's oil paintings are completely hand-painted, absolutely no printing.
Oil Paintings Gallery is the one-stop-shop for online art-lovers searching for the perfect painting to decorate their home or office. Our website is simple, fun, and easy to use. We have assembled thousands of the world's finest oil paintings, ranging from European masterpieces to more contemporary works. is the one-stop shop for online art-lovers searching for the perfect painting to decorate their home or office. Our website is simple, fun and easy to use. We have assembled thousands of the world's finest oil paintings, ranging from European masterpieces to more contemporary works. Our staff of world-class artisans painstakingly reproduces all of our paintings by hand, using only the highest quality oils and canvas.