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Weedeliver i? ?n ?x??rtl? curated, full? li??n??d 21+ ??nn?bi? general ?t?r? delivery ??rvi?? ??rving C?lif?rni?, Unit?d St?t??. W??d?liv?r w?? created with the id?? ?f serving ?ur customers the b??t weed in California. Our ?t?r? ?ff?r? convenience ?nd a host of ??ti?n?, giving ??u everything you n??d t? g?t the most ?ut ?f ??ur content. Our g??l i? h?li?ti? h??lth, ?u?lit? variety ?nd ??m?r?h?n?iv? selection. Our in?x??n?iv? m?nu has b??n ??l??t?d to ?uit each customer's tastes ?nd bring relief t? n?w ?r seasoned ??n?um?r?. W? ?ff?r a l?rg? selection of ?u?lit? ??nn?bi? ?r?du?t?.