Hjort Chiropractic
3700 W Division St
Saint Cloud, MN 56301
Saint Cloud, MN 56301
Business Categories
Hjort Chiropractic is a progressive clinic that staffs multiple chiropractors, massage therapists, and a physical therapist. Office locations include St. Cloud and Sartell.
Dr. Paul Hjort started practicing chiropractic in St. Cloud in 1989. In addition to chiropractic care, Hjort Chiropractic also has a physical therapist on staff as well as certified massage therapists. Hjort Chiropractic works with all major health insurers as well as car accident insurance, worker's compensation insurance, Medicare, and most PPO's. Our clinic is fully staffed to do all your insurance billing and processing. We also have state of the art physiotherapy modalities available if needed including therapeutic ultrasound, electric muscle stimulation, vibratory massage, decompressive traction and soothing hydrotherapy tables. If X-ray evaluation is needed they can be taken and developed on site with our modern X-ray machine and automatic processor.
Medical affiliations:
In an effort to provide the most effective care our chiropractors work closely with local primary care doctors as well as specialists. If we think another health care provider can render more effective treatment we don't hesitate to refer patients to that provider. We have an excellent working relationship with many local medical physicians.
Professional Goals:
Our professional goal is to provide the highest quality chiropractic care in an effort to relieve our patient's symptoms and return them to normal function as quickly as possible. We strive to deliver compassionate and personalized care to each person we treat. We take the time to discuss our patient's condition and concerns.