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Sewing Contractors

CA, Los Angeles

Linda Fashions image

Linda Fashions

714 S Hill St # 303 Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: (213) 623-2745

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:46:23 AM
Linda Fashions image

Linda Fashions

1846 Sichel St Los Angeles, CA 90031 Phone: (323) 221-4199

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:02:26 AM
Line-1 Apparel Inc image

Line-1 Apparel Inc

3317 N Mission Rd # D Los Angeles, CA 90031 Phone: (323) 227-8228

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:02:27 AM
Lissa's Fashion Wear House image

Lissa's Fashion Wear House

4511 W Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90027 Phone: (323) 660-5472

Posted: 5/21/2008 9:39:52 AM
Little King image

Little King

843 S Los Angeles St Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: (213) 683-0725

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:46:24 AM
Little Lulu image

Little Lulu

1031 S Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90015 Phone: (213) 749-2274

Posted: 5/14/2008 9:36:00 PM
LND Fashion Inc image

LND Fashion Inc

801 S Broadway # 901 Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: (213) 689-1388

Posted: 5/14/2008 9:37:06 PM
Loca Fashion image

Loca Fashion

Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: (213) 629-9088

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:46:24 AM
Lopez Fashion image

Lopez Fashion

810 S Spring St Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: (213) 614-9814

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:46:25 AM
Loretta Fashion image

Loretta Fashion

3751 Broadway Pl Los Angeles, CA 90007 Phone: (323) 235-4675

Posted: 5/14/2008 9:42:10 PM
Louis Fashion image

Louis Fashion

756 S Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: (213) 629-8191

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:46:23 AM
Lowe image


704 S Spring St # 917 Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: (213) 629-2810

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:46:25 AM
Lozen Corp image

Lozen Corp

212 E 8th St Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: (213) 622-0111

Posted: 5/14/2008 9:52:40 PM
Lucia Fashion image

Lucia Fashion

656 S Los Angeles St Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: (213) 629-4050

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:46:25 AM
Lujan Of California Inc image

Lujan Of California Inc

1413 W Washington Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90007 Phone: (213) 747-5648

Posted: 5/14/2008 9:57:02 PM
Lush Fashion Inc image

Lush Fashion Inc

830 S Hill St Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: (213) 629-3675

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:46:26 AM
Luslucis image


5601 Mckinley Ave Los Angeles, CA 90011 Phone: (323) 234-6787

Posted: 5/21/2008 10:47:11 AM
M & L Fashion image

M & L Fashion

1950 S Santa Fe Ave Los Angeles, CA 90021 Phone: (213) 623-0041

Posted: 5/21/2008 9:54:55 AM
M & P Fashions image

M & P Fashions

312 W 46th St Los Angeles, CA 90037 Phone: (323) 232-4625

Posted: 5/21/2008 2:02:33 PM
M & P Garments image

M & P Garments

2401 S Hill St Los Angeles, CA 90007 Phone: (213) 765-0838

Posted: 5/14/2008 9:59:06 PM
M & S Sewing image

M & S Sewing

608 E 59th St Los Angeles, CA 90001 Phone: (323) 234-3268

Posted: 5/21/2008 12:10:00 PM
M B Fashions image

M B Fashions

800 Mcgarry St # 402 Los Angeles, CA 90021 Phone: (213) 327-0219

Posted: 5/14/2008 9:59:27 PM
M J Fashion image

M J Fashion

1206 Maple Ave # 719 Los Angeles, CA 90015 Phone: (213) 749-9533

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:43:09 AM
M K Fashion image

M K Fashion

318 W 9th St Los Angeles, CA 90015 Phone: (213) 892-8283

Posted: 5/21/2008 7:43:09 AM
M S Enterpreise Co Inc image

M S Enterpreise Co Inc

2518 S Grand Ave Los Angeles, CA 90007 Phone: (213) 746-4867

Posted: 5/21/2008 10:47:16 AM