When Should You Refinish Your Hardwood Flooring? To refinish the floor you first need to take off the extra shine of the floor. Strip it off. Secondly, re-coat it with the floor sealer and choose a supreme quality glossy finish to apply at the end. Everyday wear and tear and treading give flooring scratches and dents, deeper scratches and flaking. This can be taken care of by applying a fresh layer of topcoat. Small scratches will disappear with this application. Who can help? Reach Workman Flooring for wood floor refinishing and installation of hardwood floors Salt Lake City. The climate in Salt Lake, Utah is generally a combination of extreme cold and heat. The condition is mostly dry. Generally, this kind of weather can affect the kind of flooring that you select and would require regular maintenance to keep the flooring in good condition. So, it's best to ask Workman Flooring Utah hardwood floors experts for help. Do consider their experience and flooring work to choose the best one in your local area. Visit here - https://workmanflooring.com/Address - 5221 South Commerce Dr, Muray, Utah 84107